Tuesday, January 12, 2016

#38 Art School Life + Possibly The Longest Post You'll Ever See


You want to know what I was up to last year? Specifically, between the dates of September 7, 2015 to December 14, 2015? Well, my friend, let me do a mediocre job at answering your question.

Here it is...

You ready?..

Classwork. That's what I've been up to. I was thinking of talking about what I did in all the different classes, but knowing me, I'd probably get bored of typing everything and quit. Sadly, that would leave you with nothing. So I came up with a better solution. I asked myself, "Why not just dump all the art I've done here, categorize them according to which class I did everything in, and leave it at that?" So that's what I'm going to do. You can figure out what the purpose of each class was by yourself.

Obviously, I won't post everything-- just my best stuff. Fun, right? You'll get to see how bad of an artist I actually am. So....


Figure Drawing I

2D Design

Drawing I / Perspective


Do you like the stamp with my nickname at the corners of each piece? It's called branding myself. I've done it before, but I felt like I had to address it again. They're definitely noticeable on these. I'm not going to bother making each one smaller though. Tooooo much work.

And yes, I know. I didn't keep my promise on making monthly posts. You know, the promise I made, like, last summer? What? You had forgotten about it? Oh snap, I shouldn't have said anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

By the way, how do you capitalize titles? I didn't know what words to capitalize in this post's title, so I just capitalized everything. When in doubt, ya know...