Friday, April 10, 2015

#28 Bonfire

The last looping gif I'm making is going to be of a bonfire at a beach. I'm just figuring out how to work with pixel art, as this video explains, so I'll be using it for this next gif. Here's a short example of where I am right now with it:

I've found a whole bunch of pixel artists out there to inspire me to do this. Here are some of the places you can find them at:
It's inspiring seeing what these people can do with this style. Pixel art sometimes looks like it was done by a little kid, but there's actually a lot of technique involved.  Here, take a looksie at this. This whole style is one where the artist actually has to edit the art pixel by pixel. So yeah, the people behind all of those Super Nintendo games deserve a lot more praise than one would think they're worth.

Annnd jumping to the the end...

My favorite part of this is the name at the bottom left. It looks so cool.

I also learned how to use dithering for this, which is what you can see in the lit part of the ground by the fire. It's a way to blend two colors together.


  1. A link you'll probably like:
