Friday, September 30, 2016

#42 "Leaf and Wall" Comic Strip

This is coming in late. Long story short, I went back to college and lost track of time.  But there's another reason that I'll get into later in the post.

So to begin:

Leaf and Wall is a comic strip I began doodling in my pocket-sized sketchbook while visiting a family member in Seattle. I was feeling very melancholic at that time and asked myself a lot of questions about the type of person I am and why I do the things I do. These same questions kept coming back to me, and they were starting to annoy me. So I did what I usually do when I can't get a thought out of my head: I began writing about it. In the form of comics, I created about fifty very crude versions of leaf and wall.


At first they were stick figures, but I realized I could make different characters, more cool-looking, and still not put that much effort into it. Thus leaf and wall came into place. I wish I had those rough sketches with me, but they're lost somewhere in my stack of sketchbooks. Either way, they don't look much different than this. The most you could learn from seeing them is by noticing how much I scratched out dialogue and what words I changed/left the same. Just note, it's okay to rewrite something a million times.

After coming back from Seattle, I drew all of the strips on Photoshop. I didn't use the same drawing for any new strip, because I wanted to show, subtly, that I cared about every strip. Probably nobody even noticed, but it made me feel good.

The final step was to post them online. I didn't want to just dump it all someplace on the internet, so I resulted to posting them daily on my Instagram (plug: @sanbles). That way, I could maybe build a following. Long story short, after about forty days, I have like ten new followers from when I started posting. Pretty good in my opinion! But that's why I didn't want to make this post before finishing posting it.

This is probably the most personal work of art I've done. And it's in the simplest form I have ever done. It's funny...

If one were to ask me what this story's about, I don't think I'd have an actual answer to give. For me it's about a lot of things. The thing is I didn't really aim for a message throughout the story. I just wanted to convey what I was feeling at the time, and I think I got it down well-enough. At least now I don't think about these things...

as often.

If you want to see the whole thing: It's on my page.

PS. If you feel like I was sounding pretentious throughout this post, don't worry. I did too. I think art school is getting to me.


Yaaaayy, I completed my promise to you! Those are the things I did over the summer. hopefully, you were able to take something out of it. In the end, I'm not really doing this for you anyway. I just like keeping track of my work, sort of like a diary. SO YEAH. YOU DON'T MATTER TO ME.


I don't really know when I'll be back. um...


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