Thursday, May 24, 2018

#44 Art School Life 4

Junior year... I disliked junior year. I feel like it was the year of depression for a lot of people. This was the year where people realized they were not at the level they had hoped they would be at this point in their lives. I got to see a lot of friends suffer from no sleep, stress, and bad eating habits. And also... DRAMAAA. I asked my high school friends if this happened at their school, and apparently there's less depression and more self-hatred/frustration at their schools. I guess it makes sense, since art is more personal and intimate. If you get a bad grade on something you've spilled your soul on, you're bound to face some identity issues.

How am I doing? Haha, wouldn't you like to know... Let's let the art speak for itself.


From Sophomore Year that I failed to put on last year's post:



Silhouette Assignment

Push/Pull Assignment


Lipsync Assignment

Wrap-Up Assignment

Boring Behind-The-Scenes



We only made two animatics for this class and one of them is sad and pathetic. I don't want to put in the effort of uploading and sharing it here... leave me alone. The other one I'll get to further down this post...


Not putting everything. Just the finished pieces and some process behind it.

Design Lab



Jeez, that's super messy. I made an attempt at making the layout look good, but there's only so much I can do without knowing how to mess with the html.


Second semester Concept and VisDev was spent working on pre-production for our senior thesis.  This is the part that kicked everyone in the butt. Students wanted to make something they would care about but pretty much everyone got shut down and told to do their original idea in a different way. Very few people ended up with what they originally wanted to make. Most of the projects were improved upon, but some of their voice (core idea/vision/whatever you want to call it) was lost due to teacher and student feedback. Nevertheless, here's mine. Keep in mind that this is going to be made and animated in 3D to great quality, so if you don't want to spoil yourself of that experience, don't watch this.

Also, here's my story reel I'll use to apply to jobs. The last animatic is the one I made in Concept III. The very first animatic is my thesis, so WARNING again. If you don't want to watch it, start at 1:42.  The password is sanbler.


Like I said, junior year was a pain. It didn't come without its benefits though. I took a lot out of what I learned this year. I've grown as a person and an artist. I've come closer to knowing what I want out of my life and my work. I understand myself and others more. I became 21, and I'm starting to get a grasp on what becoming an adult means. I got a credit card. Let's hope this trend of improvement continues on to next year. I'll let you know how it pans out.


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