Sunday, February 22, 2015

#21 Moving Comics: A New Era for Animation

Sorry if this post drags on. I want to post all of my planning here, so I never have to focus on it again. I hate planning.

Last year, I found a new style of animation. It's a combination of comics and animation conveyed through the use of gifs. I don't think a name's been coined for this style, since it took me a while
to find examples. All of the websites referred to their style with a different name. I'm just going to call them 'Gific's until people have found a name for them. Here are examples:

Thunderpaw by Jen

Animated Comics - Extract 1 by Stephen Vuillemin

Untitled by Tom Law 

Bottom of the Ninth by Ryan Woodward

I want to do something like this. Coincidentally, I've had this story idea I've wanted to do. It's about a group of personified emotions who have fallen into a loop where nothing special or exciting happens in their lives. They then fall apart and forget who they are. It's going to be a lot of talking, so it'll be a challenge for me to make it interesting. I think I'll just make three characters, Angry, Happy, and Sad.

Anger: He feels like there's no way he can change, like he was born into his situation. 

Happy: He feels like nobody cares about him until they need him.

Sad: He feels like he's the normal one and the whole world is crazy. If everyone changed the way they thought to be more like him, all the problems in the world would go away.

I'm going with #6 for the designs. I don't think I do this 
to choose from the list later.  I just do this to evolve my
ideas as I keep doing more and more designs.

I'm going to make a three panel strip. The story will be told like those spiderman comics in the newspapers. If you want to look at the whole story, you have to put all the strips together. That way, when I show my progress here, it'll be in the form of one complete strip. In total, I want to make 5 strips that tell the complete story.

Plus, I want the relationship between the emotions to be a rock, paper, scissors type of relationship. If Sad is feeling angry, It'll only make him feel frustrated. If he's feeling happy, he'll feel peaceful. Anger will feel frustration from feeling happy, peaceful from sadness. Happy will feel frustration from feeling sadness, peaceful from anger.

So once everyone starts getting comfortable with the emotions they're having, they learn that they were one complete being, but got separated when they became selfish and made the whole story about themselves.

 These designs are for the merged being.
I'm going with the last one.

The setting will be different for each character. 

Sad will be in a ditch that is just big enough to not be able to climb out of. He has become content with his hole. In there, he only has to deal with himself and not hear about other's problems. 

Happy will be walking alone in an open field that goes on for miles in every direction. He wants respect, so to show people that he's not a slave to them, he's going as far from civilization as possible. People will have to work to get to him. He yells in anger every once in a while to deal with his frustration. Nobody can hear him anyway.

Anger will be mining in a cave. He always cries when he's mining, because he finds it makes it easier for him to keep doing him job.

The Draft:

If you don't want to be spoiled of the story, don't read through these.

This is my very sloppy planning. I just wanted to flesh out the story. It probably doesn't make any sense, but it will once I finish the whole series. It also ended up being ten strips. Not five. I think I can make it work though. I'll just have to make two strips each week. And knowing where everything's going to go will make everything super easy and fast to do.

Well that's it then. On my next post, I'll post my first two strips. So excited!

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