Sunday, November 2, 2014

#10 Double Digits!

I whipped up a cheap script really quickly.

That's what Mitch is supposed to say. He's going to be all emotionless throughout it, but then he's going to whip out a small smirk after saying the last line.

And here it is! 


I was going to make it just one gif, but I found that it lagged too much if I did it like that. Also, if you haven't already noticed, I didn't have time to finish it all; I didn't even get halfway. That's the problem with animation, everything takes too long to make. And yet again, I didn't even get to the part that I really wanted to work on.

Maybe this says something about me. I wanted to really focus on animating the words coming in from the guy, but I told myself I was going to do that last so I wouldn't be distracted by trying to finish the whole thing on time. You can see how well that turned out. I think I'm a guy that's more focused on the story side of things than the actual animation.

Still, I didn't start this blog to figure out what I like (well, maybe a little). I started it to learn new styles and processes in animation. That's why I won't focus on producing a completed gif next time. I want to focus on actually learning what I intend to learn. 

For my final study, I'll only work on what I want to learn. That might mean the whole thing won't look polished, like no color or smooth lines. The good thing will be that I'll know how to do the thing I actually set out to learn!

Okay, I'm done being so negative. I'll now briefly talk about what I really dug about this "gif comic". Three things, the character, the colors, and the flashing screens effect. You sort of saw how I came up with the character. It came through a creative session I was going through. Now with the colors, I thought of them by first picturing the flashing blue TVs. I thought, "how can I make the character stand out with this mayhem in the background?" So I just went and added some complimentary colors. And the color of the letters was, I guess, a tribute to Annie.

The flashing TV screens are the effects I loved making. That's the one awesome thing I can take out of all of this. I would make a tutorial on how to make them, but I don't have the time to. I think people would have wanted to see that... Sorry. Maybe next time, when I won't be too busy filling in the colors for every freakin' frame. 

Anyway, thanks for reading about my problems. It feels... weird.

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