Monday, November 24, 2014

#13 Title Not Found

I didn't have time to do much this week. With no idea of what I'll do for my long video, I just decided to make another gif...

It's not that great, but it gave me time to think about what I'll do.

I noticed that I suck at animating faces. If you look at the gif above, you'll notice that the face goes all over the place. I want to get better at that. And also, what I suck at the most is at making someone talk (You haven't seen my attempts. They're bad).

Now, a website that I frequent gives animators a small audio clip to animate. It's a monthly challenge where the winner gets the chance to have his/her animation critiqued by a person currently working in the animation industry. I'm probably not going to win since there's people way better than me that enter the competition, but I'm still going to try. It'll give me a chance to see how sounds work in PS and (more importantly) how to animate faces without making them jump around.

As for how I'll go about it, I decided to wait until this month's competition ends so I can start at the beginning of the next one. Next week, I'll create two character models in anticipation of the next voice clip. I'll make a funny and a serious looking character whose genders could easily be reversed for conveniences' sake. If I have extra time, I'll learn how to import sound and make it work in PS. I have yet to look at how that works.

That's it for this week. As a goodbye, here's the sketch I started out with to figure out what my gif would be about.

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